Sunday, June 13, 2010

A crowded bed?

Ok, last week Scott took this photo around 5 am and as you can see i was "dead"
to the world..... did not have a clue that my husband was photographing me while I am sleeping!
This however is a somewhat "normal" shot of our bedroom -
Here is me, Taylor, Reagan and Lily our "Big" cat
all enjoying some sleep since daddy is heading to work.
Saturdays our bed becomes a "Family Affair" our kids will definitely have memories of
Mom and Dads bedtime moments.
Lavonne 6-7-10


Heather BT said...

Every school day, we start the day with the kids coming in for a snuggle. Each kid has their own throw blanket to snuggle up in, in between Bill and myself. We only have a full sized bed, so it's cozy with the four if us, but it really makes a difference in the kids behavior. Calli is much more grounded, Acer is less grumpy. We actually have it set into our alarm and getting ready time in the morning.

Maggie S said...

Wow!!! Did they sneak in after he got up? Or did you "all roll over and one fell out?"