Thursday, May 27, 2010

James 1:27 - Adoption Fundraising Event

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On May 15th - Sat we went to a new friends Chuck & Teresa W adoption fundraising event.

We went to a place called "The Farm"

C & T have an interesting story at: "The Story of John"

Our friend Cathy W had tried to adopt John and couldn't, she told her dog sitter who goes to church with C & T who told them about John aka Vince at Madison who is aging out when he turns 14 and then can't be adopted. They met with Cathy at their fundraiser for their adoption of Elijah last June. Scott and our family sat with them and talked and got them connected with Kingdom Kids and they decided to move forward and adopt John. They had to rush through this process to get John. They got there days before he turned 14. We finally got to meet John at this event. They got home at the beginning of February and he is now going to their churches school and is doing awesome and came in 2nd in their 5 state math contest.... and has done very well in adjusting them - he has CLP like our Reagan and is also going to Children's and they spent hours working on his teeth. The great news is the day before the fundraiser - John accepted Jesus into his heart. So it is so exciting to see how seeds can be planted and how God's plan unfolds befores us, and how lives are transformed especially when we answer the call.

So many feel they are unfit to for this call, and not all are equipped but some can pray for families who do step forward, others can sponsor these kids in orphanages, or sponsor and support a family who feel led. You may provide clothing or babysitting for a family in need or respite care for a Foster Family. We are all called to do Gods work in caring for the orphan.

How can you help?

Lavonne - 5-26-10

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