Sunday, May 23, 2010

A day for Gardening

A week ago we got lucky with some nice weather and felt it was about time
to work on our garden.
Last year we ignored it and so we have a big mess to clean
Winston and Taylor were the Supervisors!!

Daddy was attempting to make something of all the overgrown plants and weeds
in the front of the house - it is rather embarrassing.

Here is a close up of what it really looks like
Reagan and Kaitlyn attempting to get the weeds out of the cracks in the sidewalk
We also got the roof power washed - it will hopefully get repaired next week? and then sealed.
I will try and show you the before and after shots later - it looks like we have a new roof....
What a wonderful gift to get in finding you have a nice roof again.
Glad we did this then since we have had lots of rain and weird weather the past week.
Tonight we tackled the backyard - it will take us a few days to get the back under control as well.
Lavonne - 5-22-10

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