Thursday, November 12, 2009

It has been a few busy days at the Dideon's

Taylor looking a lot better - opening a gift from Mia
a friend at school who wanted to make sure she had something to play
with while she was home - so she gave Taylor a few of her toys.
Mia's card she made for Taylor
Grandma helping Kaitlyn with her piano lesson
Wed - the kids were home for Rememberance Day
Today they have a "Cake Walk" so we had to make 2 cakes for
school yesterday - and the kids had to do the decorating themselves
so mom just guided and suggested. Here is Kaitlyn mixing the batter.
Reagan decided on making a boat - not a sail boat, but a Ferry Boat!
Since we were limited with materials, i finally resorted to spelling it out
so people knew for sure what it was - we used up a lot of our "candy"
lying around to make window's and a smoke stack.
Kaitlyn's is a flower - we made 6 large cupcakes and then we had loads of
heart candies which we placed upside down so not to see the words for the petals.
There are prizes for the top 3 in each grade in decorating.... so we will see how we
fare - they have the cake walk tonight at the PTA mtg.
At the end of the day - Reagan kept insisting his tooth was ready to be pulled.
So mom got out the string - it was snug - so it could have waited a few more days....
but he wanted it out so i tried a second time and yanked at the sucker!!
ping, pang pop and it was flying in the air and we had no clue to where it landed??
so on hands and knees we searched high and low for this little tooth.
Reagan was insistant it landed up in the dining room from the kitchen... so finally i had my hand going inch by inch on the carpet with a flashlight and finally we found it under the dining room table - it had traveled quite a distance :-)
Cheers arose by all with my discovery....
Reagan proudly showed off his new hole - the past 2 teeth had the new ones already in place
so this is his first hole. - So under the pillow it went and in the middle of the night the tooth fairy descended upon his bedroom and this morning Reagan discovered $4 ($1) one from Grandma's tooth fairy.
Today has been a day of catching up and much quieter with just mommy, grandma and Taylor home. So getting a lot more done with cleaning and things that must get done!
Never a dull moment at the Dideon's place
Lavonne 11-12-09

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Sounds like you are enjoying "life"! So fun to see the kids and knowing that Taylor is doing well. Take care~