Friday, January 7, 2011

Way overdue - Wishing you all a great 2011 from the Dideon's

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I know I have been almost 5 months missing in action - but I vow to get back to blogging this year and in the next few weeks will be catching up with snippets of the year for you and then starting fresh for 2011.
It amazes me how many people over the years have followed our family - many I never knew before and have become friends via the internet.

May this year be an awesome one for each one of you - full of adventure, God's wonderful blessings and grace for 2011.

Christmas got the best of the Dideon Clan with a full schedule of activities - so here is wishing you a wonderful 2011 - praying that God will bless you and give you great joy and happiness throughout this year.

Our greeting card includes our family photo with Santa (including Winston with "Green" teeth) decided to not photoshop it :-) - thanks to some wonderful green candy !!!

The kids wishing you a greeting, their own Christmas Cards and lastly - Taylor sharing the Christmas Story in fast play mode !

Scott, Lavonne

Reagan (8), Kaitlyn (7), Taylor (6) and Winston (6) + Odessa and Lily (our cats)

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