Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More pictures of Spring Break ....

10 years later...... Marysville, WA

4 kids later ....

On the way to the Tulip Festival we stopped in Marysville, a place of history in the making for this Dideon clan. On October 9th, 1999 Scott and I were married at this historical site a 1911 Opera House that had been refurbished into a wedding place. We were one of the first weddings there and it was wonderful. The building was cool and a very non-traditional wedding.

We usually point out the place to the kids when we drive by it since you can see it from the freeway.... but Scott thought it would be more fun to have the kids see the place. They thought it was cool. Reagan and Kaitlyn understood it more.
Hard to believe, 10+ years in the making = 4 houses, 3 different states, 4 cars, 4 cats and a host of other animals, 11 surgeries, 4 adoptions = 4 kids in 4-1/2 years - talk about making the most of your life! wonder what the next 10 years will be like???????
Lavonne - 4-27-10


Maggie S said...

How beautiful.

Unknown said...

Beautiful, beautiful!!!!!! Love the pics. and description ;)