Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So i won - it is official

Lily has done it! She won us (Asian Blessings)

The Office Depot small business contest. Here is our silly video.

In early July when i registered my small business (which still is not fully off the ground)

I saw this contest on the Office Depot site. I grabbed my camera and cat Lily (16+ lbs) and headed to our messy office to video tape this. I had not read the rules and just winged it. We had to say about what we were doing in the down economy to cut costs and include Office Depot. Which i had not - but the desk and supplies are from there :-)

Lily made her entrance and is now a star and we won $2000 of Office Depot supplies - i had to wait to make it official once we got the award that i did not make a mistake, but last wk i finally got the package and am thrilled i got impulsive and won!

Lavonne 11-18-09

1 comment:

Amy Rankin said...

Funny kitty!