Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stepping into the world of Music

A month ago now Scott's brother Chris was moving and wanted to unload his piano.
Well reluctantly i agreed to take this piano into our home. After doing a full re-arrangement of our living room, we were able to fit this big beast into our home.
This thing weighs over 700 lbs and we managed to talk 4 guys well over 200lbs each - some
i am sure were over 300 lbs to haul this up 4 sets of steps (2 each) - i video taped this since it was quite the site. They got it into the house with little damage to the floors. We had to move the painting up a bit and we were good to go. Then i cleaned and started to get curious to how old this thing was? After some research it was determined it was over 100 years old. So would it actually work? I found a great piano tuner who is awesome and affordable and he established this was built in 1908 so is 101 years old. It is a Kimball which is no longer made and it has a stamp from the Worlds Fair and because it was taken care of all these years it is in great shape - had to repair only one key, and was good to go. Then another friend referred us to a wonderful women who teaches kids lessons not far away for $10 a session per kid! so now Reagan and Kaitlyn are on their way to adding more musical noise into our home. With some time and patience the noise will be sweet sounds to my ears :-)
Lavonne 10-8-09

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