Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dideon Christmas

Christmas at the Dideon's
The presents are all wrapped and under the tree
The baking is done and been given away
Some goodies have been saved to munch on for later
The Christmas programs at school are completed and now the parties begin
Two more days left and the magic of time at home with mom begins
The house is decked out in lights and sentiment waiting upon the arrival of Santa
and the celebration of Jesus' birthday
Oranges are consumed daily and boxes are purchased weekly
Eggnog is the winter treat all the kids but one loves to wet their lips by
A watchful eye carefully observes the Gingerbread House and all its candy
with the anticipation of eating every precious morsel on Christmas Day
Santa has been visited twice and the kids found out they have been nice
Four little tots scurry the house like little mice
Guests and visitors grace our home and we are blessed
We reach the end of the year and reflect on 09
The ups and downs, the tears and joy
We again have been blessed and we thank our Lord and Savior for it all.
Wishing you a wonderful 2010!
Lavonne 12-16-09

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