Saturday, June 14, 2008

I will post soon

I just got off the phone with Scott - 45 mins on Skype - thankfully it is cheap!
Walked him through the suitecase again and what to do with what - what gifts to give what person - What we women do for our men LOL
It is 3:30 PM that they meet in the Lobby now so we plan to connect again at 6PM Xi'an time - which is 3 AM PST - so hope there will be photo's early Sunday morning.
The hotel is just wonderful and very posh. They are a block away from the Civil Affairs office so this is nice.
I have sent my list of q's and the book for everyone to sign for Winston's keepsake... How my I am just butterflies my boy is almost with his daddy.
I am sending Scott photo's of others so he knows who to look for etc. It is funny,
when Scott opened Winston's suitecase my father-in-law Jim was shocked at what i got in there - he doesn't know my father taught me to pack as a kid - rolling and ziplocks and it is amazing what you can get into a small bag LOL
Need to get to bed early - i have an exciting morning ahead of me!

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