Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rumors... could it be next wk? -- Day 66

Today i got an email that another family got LOA on Friday - not normal - but with CCAA there has been lots of changes. They had a Log in Date (LID) of 1-28-08 we are the 30th - so we could hear something Tuesday - I am starting to get that "feeling" so praying it does. Good thing I am off part of next wk - maybe running around getting Visa's ready and my passport renewed since it just expired - and start packing???


Debby, Mama of the Clan! said...


I am so EXCITED for you guys! I sure hope it is this Tuesday! That would mean ours is only about 7 weeks after yours!

Julie said...

I am thinking LOAs should be here in another couple of weeks. I am hoping ours come soon too, as we are only 15 days after you.

Cindi Campbell said...

Lavonne I know I am in the same time frame as you are also. It is exciting to think it could be any day now.