Wednesday, January 2, 2008

********* PA is here!!!! *************

This morning at 8:35 AM I got my email from Madison that we are approved to adopt Winston. What a wonderful New Years gift. It was just under 6 wks waiting. Last year this time we were waiting 12 wks for Taylor's.

The Home Study papers are done and ready for our social worker Mike to get them together. My goal is to have them off to China by the 15th or earlier????
I can always dream. My past experience is we wait 3m for LOA and then another month for gotcha day - then you still have another 10-12 days until CA. (see side for explaination of terms)
I hope to have Scott in China and getting Winston's CA apt by June 5th so we can avoid having the hassle of redoing our finger prints with homeland security.

I am so jealous I can't travel this time... but that is life. Winston is in one of the most interesting parts of China. The orphanage alone is over 100 years old and one of the oldest. Then the city is around 3,000 years old with so much history. It is the oldest city in China from what i have gathered. It is the place of the Terra Cotta Soldiers... so Scott will have a great time enjoying this. I will have to wait for a return trip later.

I also get to stay home and work and manage the three alone Who got the better end of the stick here???
Winston's birthday is on the 29th (same day as Scott's dad) and will be turning 3. So I need to get my act together so we can have a cake ordered and have photo's taken... My friend Lisa who has helped us out on two of the adoptions by connecting with the orphanage is a long ways away so not sure if she can do this for us?
I need to get a photo book made and sent off to him too.
Oh the joys ... but better yet having him here with us is what we want.


vicki alberti said...

Congratulations!! I was wondering if you had plans to adopt a 4th. I am so happy for you and the your family.

What is this child's special need? What provicne is he in? How did you find him? I am so torn about applying for a special needs child. With the wait time the way it is, I keep thinking about it.


Stacey said...

Congratulations on your PA!!! I hope everything goes smoothly and he is in your arms soon.

(mom to a daughter from Dongguan)

Heather BT said...

Is Winston in the same city as She might be able to help, maybe.
Heather BT

Charlotte said...

Lavonne and family !

I am so excited for you ! What a joy to add another child to your family ! I guess life will be ever more fun, lol.

I am fit to be tied with 3 little ones !

Can't wait to see him on gotcha day !

Charlotte and crew